Economic Themes (2011) 49 (4) 3, 545-557


Ivana Simić

Abstract: Due to serious consequences that mobbing has had on the individual or the organization as a whole, the interest of world theoreticians and practitioners for mobbing, as a problem of global proportions, has been intensified over the past few decades. Although the organizations in Serbia, as well as the organizations in the rest of the world, are not immune to harassment behaviour of certain organization members, the interest of the domestic public for mobbing, as a phenomenon, is sporadic and mainly fragmental. The aim of the paper is not only to point out the existence of mobbing, as a harassment behaviour within organization generally, but also to point to its existence within the organizations in Serbia, its nature, causes and consequences, as well as the role of managers in the prevention and elimination of mobbing.

Keywords:  mobbing; mobber; victim; management; organization

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